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 Tyty v4

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2 participants
Col Valdez
Col Valdez

Nombre de messages : 324
Armée : GI, SoB, Cie Blindee
Date d'inscription : 08/10/2004

Tyty v4 Empty
MessageSujet: Tyty v4   Tyty v4 EmptyDim 9 Jan - 20:35

Citation :
1: Carnifexes will be able to be bought in broods. This has been milled over in another thread but he added some additional points. He said that Carnies will be able to carry 2 heavy weapons, paired venom cannons (~shudders~) , and that you can have 3 per heavy support coice! If this is true...

2: He said that they are splitting the 'gaunt box. There will be a box seperate for termagaunts and hormagaunts.

3: He said GW is not happy with the look of the ravager and are re-releasing it. He said the new ravager will look like a giant ripper.

4: He said that they are adding to the mutable table so you can increase the toughness of some of your troops. He mentioned Carnies with T7 and warriors with T5.

5: Finally, and the most interesting tidbit he dropped was that the 1-off mutations , Old One Eye and the Red Terror, were being reabsorbed back into the hive fleet. He said that the fleet released the pair for 'field testing' and were very happy with the results. What does this mean to us? It means that carnies will now have access to regeneration in it's mutable table, and that raveners will now be able to deep strike! He was hoping that the raveners would also get the 'swallow whole' rule as well but that had not reached his ears yet.

Interview de Jes Goddwin
Citation :
"The Plastic Carnifex is done. Also, a new metal Ravener is finished. Both had concept drawings available. Both look amazing. The Carnifex is much more hunched over. It's like he's so big he can't stand all the way up. But he has a smaller, more vicious head that curves back up (the overall shape of the carnifex is kinda like a giant termagant). The Carni's middle arms are practically dragging on the ground. It also looks like Old One Eyes big giant claws will become standard on the 'fex. The new Ravenar looks more like a giant Ripper Swarm (a little closer to a Tyranid warrior with a tail, than the wierd snake looking thing it looked like before)."

"As for getting rid of the smiley face, from the sketches I would say there is almost a 100% chance. The head on the Carnifex is smaller and meaner (i.e. no smiley in the drawing), but then again the concept sketches for the current carnifex didn't look smiley either so who knows for sure."

"Like I said, it's hunched WAY over (think like a Termagent). It had the giant crab claws as the middle set of arms (he had a drawing of it without arms and like most of the 'nids, it looks like you can put the arms in any way you like. The giant crab claws were practically dragging on the ground."

"IIRC, the Carni has a small tail now, to fit in with the rest of the 'nids."

"One thing that jumped out to me as 'cool' was the fact that it had a few big vent tubes (similar to those on top of the Typhon sketch/model). The drawing had an arrow pointed to the vents and it said something like 'external venting tubes to release heat'."

"To me, the new concept seemed to focus on how massive the Carni is. He's huge, he produces a ton of heat, he doesn't even stand up straight. He just barrels forward and kills."

"I can honestly say that I was instantly drawn to the new concept and it immediately appealed to me as a vast improvement over the current model. If the model ends up being even 50% as cool as the sketch we're in for a treat.
That and the fact it's plastic. . .man, I can't wait to start a Nid army when the new codex comes out."

Citation :
These are the possable rule changes to the nids in the future.

Tyranid Codex - Summer 2005
- Changes to Warriors/Raveners/Genestealers
- No Mutations
- Armies won't have to use Monsterous Creatures to be powerful
- Armies won't have to use masses of Gaunts to be powerful
- Possible new abilities (Regeneration, Crushing claws)

Model Changes:

Hive Tyrant - Possible new model
Tyrant Guards - New model
Lictors - New model
Warriors - No changes
Genestealers - New models
Gaunts - No changes (Possible split-box?)
Raveners - Reworked model
Gargoyles - Plastic models
Carnifex - New model
Biovores - Unsure

Genestealers can get a 4+ save now.

Any bug within hive mind cannont be insta killed.

Bugs with wings can enter woods now.

Carnifexs under a certain points limit( 119 ) can be taken as elites.

Spore mines can be purchased as a unit and deep strike onto the

Mutations are gone, now they are more like unit upgrades.

Pyschic powers are getting MUCH better.

Have access to 6+ invunerable save now.

C'est du copier coller.
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 1772
Age : 39
Localisation : Hoth, Nord
Armée : GI(paras et compagnie blindée),SM
Loisirs : Glander
Date d'inscription : 24/06/2004

Tyty v4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tyty v4   Tyty v4 EmptyDim 9 Jan - 21:24

J'ai déja parlé des changements de modèles avant...

Sinon merci pour les autres précieuses infos.
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Col Valdez
Col Valdez

Nombre de messages : 324
Armée : GI, SoB, Cie Blindee
Date d'inscription : 08/10/2004

Tyty v4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tyty v4   Tyty v4 EmptyDim 9 Jan - 21:39

glloq59 a écrit:
J'ai déja parlé des changements de modèles avant...

Je suis desolé, c'est vrai que tu en avait deja parler (une partie)
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Tyty v4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tyty v4   Tyty v4 EmptyMar 18 Jan - 0:01

c'est trop cool que les tyranides soient rafait.... Ils vont etre encore plus fort qu'ils ne le sont!!!!
En tout cas, j'espere que les genestealer et les lictores seront mieux que maintenant parceque c'est les seul figs que j'aimes pas trop...
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Tyty v4 Empty
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